List of basic published works
- Ivanov K.S. The simplest automatic transfer box. WCE 2010. World Congress on Engineering 2010 (ICME) London, UK. 2010. — P. 1179 – 1184.
- Ivanov K.S., Yaroslavtseva E.K. Way of automatic and continuous change of a twisting moment and speed of rotation of the output shaft depending on a tractive resictance and the device for its realisation. Patent of Russia № 2398989 from September, 10th, 2010.
- Ivanov K.S., Shugayev G.A. Creation of automatic gear transfers on basis of mechanical adaptation. New concept for drivelines of energy. International Conference on Gears. Technical University of Munich. VDI-Berichte 2108.2. Garching. Germany. 2-4.10.2010. P. 1457 – 1460.
- Ivanov K.S., Yaroslavtseva E.K. Device of an energy transfer with continuously variable transfer ratio (alternatives). Patent of Kazakhstan № 023907 from February, 23rd, 2011.
- Ivanov K.S. Theoretical basis of gear continuously variable transmission. Theory of mechanisms and machines. The periodic scientifically-methodical journal. №2 (16). 2010. Volume 8. The St.-Petersburg state polytechnical university. P. 36 – 48.
- Ivanov K.S. Theorem about balance of the closed contour. Theory of mechanisms and machines. The periodic scientifically-methodical journal. №2 (16). 2010. Volume 8. The St.-Petersburg state polytechnic university. P. 85 – 89.
- Ivanov K.S., Yaroslavtseva E.K. Gear continuously variable transmission. X All-Russia specialised exhibition. An exhibition catalogue « Motor show. Avtokama. Car industry. Autocomponents – 2011». Russia. Quays Boats. 2011. P. 1 – 7.
- Ivanov K.S., Vorobieva O. S, Samsonov A.P. Transfer with automatically adjustable speed. RK. Committee on intellectual property rights of MU RK. Patent №24181 on the invention. The bulletin № 6. Astana. 15.06.2011.
- Ivanov K.S. Working the simplest automatic transfer box. Mechanisms and manipulators. IFTOMM. International Federation for the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms. Vol. 9, Nr. 2. University Politechnica. Bucharest. 2010. P. 11-16.
- Ivanov K.S. Synthes of gear continuously variable transmission. Modern engineering industry, science and education. Materials of the International scientifically-practical conference. St.-Petersburg. 2011. P. 268 – 277.
- Ivanov K.S., Yaroslavtseva E.K. Gear continuously variable transmission. Pace (Repair, innovations, production engineering, modernization). Innovative workings out – effective solutions. The specialised magazine No 4 (62). Moscow. 2011. P. 116-117.
- Ivanov K.S., Jaroslavtseva E.K., Shugaev G. A. The device of an energy transfer with continuously variable transfer ratio. RK. Committee on intellectual property rights of MU RK. Patent №24625 on the invention. Bulletin № 9. Astana. 15.09.2011.
- Ivanov K.S. Effect of force adaptation in mechanics. Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation. Vol. 1, N 3. Libertiville, USA. 2011. P. 163 – 180.
- Ivanov K.S. Synthesis of Toothed Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT). Mechanism, Transmissions and Applications. Mechanism and Machine Science 3. Springer. 2012. P. 265 – 272.
- Konstantin S. Ivanov, Almaty, KZ. – Gebrauchsmusterinhaber. Bezeichnung — Einrichtung zur automatischen und kontinuierichlen Drehmoment – und Drehzahlveranderung einer Abtriebswelle je nach Fahrwiderstand. Urkunde uber die Eintragung des Gebrauchsmusters Nr. 20 2012 101 273.1. Tag der Eintragung 02.05.2012. Deutsches Patent und Markenamts. Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 2012.
(Konstantin S.Ivanov, Almaty, KAZ — the Owner of the registered sample. The name — the Device of automatic and continuous change of a twisting moment – and changes of a corrected speed of the output shaft depending on a tractive resistance. The deed on registration of the registered sample № 20 2012 101 273.1. Day of Registration 02.05.2012. The German patent and firm establishment. Federal Republic Germany. 2012.)
- Ivanov K.S. Toothed continuously variable transmission (CVT) for transport. EngOpt 2012 – 3rd International Conference on Engineering Optimization. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 01 — 05 July 2012. PP 211 – 218.
- Ivanov K.S., Jaroslavceva E.K. Transfer of motion by closed contour – basis of CVT. Power transmissions. 4th International Conference on Power Transmissions, June 20-23, 2012, Sinaia, Romania. PP 147-161.
- Ivanov K.S., Tultaev B. Toothed continuously variable transmission (CVT) – industrial realization. 4-th Euro Conference on Mechanisms. Springer. Santander. Spain.18-22 Sept. 2012. PP 234 -244.
- Ivanov K.S., Dinassilov A.D., Koylibaeva R.K. Practical Calculation of Gear Continuously Variable Transmission of Wind Turbine. Proceeding of 7-th International Symphosium Machine and Industrial Design in Mechanical Engineering (KOD 2012). Serbia, Bratislava, Slovakia, Hungary. Novi Sad. 2012. PP 291 – 298.
- Ivanov K.S., Jaroslavtseva E.K., Dinasylov A.D., Shingissov B.T. Self-regulat adaptive tooth gearing of wind turbine installation. The patent for the invention № №79226. MU RK. Committee on intellectual property rights of republic Kazakhstan. Astana. 17.10.2012..
- Ivanov K.S., Tabultaev S.S., Zhilisbaeva K.S. Electric Drive P Self-Adjusting Tooth Gearing. — 1-st Annual World Congress of Energy Wise-2012. Green Economy and Smart Energy. Tayuan China 2012. — P. 216.
- Ivanov K.S. Theory of Continuously Variable Transmission P Two Degrees of Freedom. — Transactions of American Society of Mechanic Engineers. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE 2012). Vol. 3. Houston, Texas. USA. 2012. P. 846 – 854.
- Ivanov K.S. Design of toothed continuously variable transmission in the form of gear variator. — Balkan Journal of Mechanical Transmissions (BJMT). Volume 2(2012), Issue 1, Bucharest. Romania. 2012. — pp 138 — 147.
- Ivanov K.S., Gaisina E.S., Bunkova N.A., etc. Transfer with automatically adjustable speed. Innovative patent for the invention № 26107. RK. 03.08.2012. — 6 p.
- Ivanov K.S. Paradox of Mechanics — Basis of Creation of Continuously Variable Transmission. — 2-nd Asian International Conference on Theory of Machines and Mechanisms. IFToMM. November 7-10, 2012, Tokyo, Japan. — P. 145 -152.
- Ivanov K.S. Synthesis of Toothed Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT). Mechanism, Transmissions and Applications. Mechanism and Machine Science 3. Springer. ISSN 2211-0992. 2012. P. 265 – 272.
- Ivanov K.S., Tultaev B. Toothed continuously variable transmission (CVT) – industrial realization. New Trends in Mechanism and Machine Science. Theory and Applications in Engineering. Mechasnism and Machine Science. V. 7. Springer. ISSN 2211-0984. 2013. PP 329-335.
- Ivanov K.S. Paradox in the Mechanism Science. 1-st International Symposium on the Education in Mechanism and Machine Science. June,13&14.2013. Madrid. Spain. P. 132-138.
- Ivanov K.S. , Ualiev G., Ualiev Z. Dynamics of adaptive-mechanical СVT (gear variator). OPTIROB 2013. Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vol 332 (2013). Springer. Switzerland. 2013. PP 289-296.
- Ivanov K.S. Gear variator in the form of a kinematic chain with two degrees of freedom and with one input. Modern mechanical engineering. Science and education. Materials of the third international scientifically-practical conference. Min. of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The union of machine engineers of Russia. The SPb state polytechnical university. St.-Petersburg, 2013. PP 741-751.
- Ivanov K.S. Continuously Variable Transmission: adaptive gear stepless mechanical CVT. International Conference of Gears with Exibition. VDI Wissensforum GmbH. Technical University of Munich (TUM), Garching (near Munich). Germany. 2013. PP. 984 — 987.
- Ivanov K.S., Tultaev B., Ualiev G. Dynamic Synthesis of Adaptive-Mechanical СVT. Key Engineering Materials (KEM -2013). Vol. 572. Nottingham. UK. Springer. Switzerland. 2013. PP 405-412.
- Ivanov K.S., Ualiev G., Tultaev B. Dynamic Synthesis of Adaptive Drive of Manipulator. 3rd IFToMM International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics (ISRM 2013). Singapore. 2013. PP 191 — 200. 34. Ivanov K.S. Creation of Adaptive-Mechanical Continuously Variable Transmission. 5th International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacture (ADM 2013). Valencia. Spain. 2013. PP 63-70.
- Ceccarelli M., Balbaev G., Ivanov K. An Experimental Test Validation of a New Planetary Transmission. International Journal of Mechanics and Control. ISSN 1590-8844. Vol 15, No 02. Published by Levrotto&Bella – Torino — Italy. 2014. P. 3 – 7.